Parasites in Your Pets: What Do You Know About Them?

Intestinal parasites are common cause of our pets’ death, especially kittens and puppies. You must check intestinal parasites on each new pet. Hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms are all well-known intestinal parasites; however, pet owners must know about three more common intestinal parasites. Let’s take a look at some of the more common parasites that can affect pets’ health.

Types of Intestinal Parasites

To ensure that your pet is well, be aware of parasites and adopt preventive measures to stay clear of infections. So, it is important to know more about parasites that your pet might encounter and learn how to identify and take care of them.


Whipworms are intestinal parasites that infect dogs, Trichuris vulpis being one of the most common. Whipworm is among the more common reasons for diarrhea that occurs in the large intestines of dogs. However, these parasites’ eggs are highly resistant to infection and could last for five years.

After eating the eggs, dogs are typically suffering from whipworms. When they get into the dog’s stomach and hatch, the eggs are released and can take up to three months to develop into adults. The eggs move through the feces frequently. However, not with every stool movement. Thus, identifying and addressing the problem could require several fecal examinations.

Whipworms can be difficult to get rid of. It is recommended that you treat the problem with medication and then treat them again three weeks later and then three months later to ensure that the issue is solved. To learn more about parasite medications, check their vaccinations page.


Hookworms can cause harm to cats and dogs, while Ancylostoma skull is the most frequently infected dog, while Ancylostoma tubaeforme is most often found in cats. Hookworms can affect your pet through a variety of ways, such as through ingestion, birth, spread through your placenta, as well as nursing and penetrating the skin. The eggs are susceptible to cold, and when exposed to a hard freeze, they’re usually destroyed.

Hookworm eggs hatch inside the stomach after hookworms infect your pet. They take around two weeks to grow. The larvae develop for about four weeks before reproducing and dropping eggs into your pet’s feces. The eggs are infected after two to eight days, and the adults attach themselves to the intestinal lining to consume blood. Your pet could develop severe anemia if the condition is serious. A variety of medications kill hookworms, so make sure that your pet is treated as quickly as is possible.


Tapeworms are also common in cats and dogs, although they are not often a cause of illness in pets. Most people are aware of the condition when they see eggs passing through the rectum. The use of medication can combat tapeworm infections. To prevent the recurrence of diseases, implement flea-control and pet care plans and take steps to stop your pet from eating rats and rabbits. Rodents, fleas, and rabbits consume tapeworm eggs and then become infected.

If you observe any indications of parasites in your pet’s stool, you must take them to a vet for an examination. Parasites can be a serious issue that will not go out. To eliminate the parasites, it is necessary to take medications. They’ll not only affect your dog’s health; however, these three kinds of parasites could also affect your own. Ensure that your pet is tested and dewormed each time they visit the vet. Visit All Creatures Great and Small Animal Hospital for more information.


Pets may contract the disease in different ways, such as eating or by contact with contaminated excrement. Certain parasites are transmitted from mother to child via the placenta or breastfeeding. Additionally, parasites can be passed onto your dog’s paws by eating intermediate hosts such as rodents, fleas, and rabbits.

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