Lyme Disease: Educate Yourself About This Dog-Killer Disease

Lyme disease is again becoming a priority for individuals worldwide as springtime and summer approach. It’s clear that Lyme disease is prevalent among humans, and it is the same for pets. The number of reported cases keeps on soaring for both species yearly.

What is lyme disease in dogs?

The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete, is the culprit behind Lyme disease. Spirochetes are a class of bacteria. When a tick bites a dog, it can spread Lyme disease. The Lyme disease organism may settle in the joints or the kidneys after entering the bloodstream.

This health problem affects not just dogs but likewise humans and other animals. If your dog displays symptoms of Lyme disease, immediate treatment is necessary. Ignoring Lyme disease in your dog can have terrible effects on their health.

Facts About Lyme Disease in Dogs

Black-legged ticks can bite dogs and transmit Lyme disease. After becoming ill, dogs commonly develop a fever and limp in one or more joints. They could be inactive, and their lymph nodes may bulge. Advanced renal disease is deadly.

On the silver lining, the infection that can lead to Lyme disease can be prevented. Furthermore, this is some info for dog owners to use in the fight against Lyme disease.

It’s a year-round danger.

Ticks do not perish during the winter, contrary to popular belief. According to professionals, they hibernate until the first mild day of spring. As a result, you need to not discontinue your pet’s tick control medication over the winter. It is a misconception that it is not needed during the winter. Ticks become active and hungry when the temperature is 40 degrees or greater, even for a short time.

No specific time of year is connected with this health problem. Preventing this potentially fatal problem involves preventative procedures, such as a regular pet wellness exam. Hence, it is vital to visit vets that provide quality dog and cat checkups that can help you prevent this kind of deadly disease.

Vets can test your dog.

Sometimes it’s tough to tell if a dog has been affected with Lyme disease. Many animal advocacy groups suggest that dog owners seek vet attention for Lyme disease testing and treatment. A vet can identify antibodies to the Lyme disease bacterium in the blood.

They can likewise give reliable tick-prevention shots against parasites to your dog. Since ticks are accountable for the spread of many diseases, taking preventative procedures is crucial.

It takes time to show symptoms.

Lyme disease in dogs can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as fever, arthritic pain, and swelling. There might be a delay of many weeks or months before a tick-borne illness manifests itself in a dog, and several infected dogs show no symptoms at all. The good news is some examinations can inform if a dog has been contaminated; however, the results might not be available for up to nine weeks.

Lyme disease symptoms change as the infection develops. These symptoms should be on pet owners’ radar:

  • Fever
  • Inflamed joints and limping
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy and depression
  • Kidney problems

You must immediately get your dog to the vet if you see any of these signs. To reduce discomfort and pain, they can recommend cold laser therapy. If you need that therapy for your dog, it is best to talk to a vet offering it.


Avoiding exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that triggers Lyme disease, is the most effective technique to defend your dog. Regular preventative assessments, including combing through the dog’s fur, are necessary for pet owners. Defend your dog from Lyme disease by speaking with your vet about tick management, the potential advantages of Lyme immunization, and other preventative actions.

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